Kamis, 18 Februari 2016

Journal I

This is my first journal for my writing's assignment. Last week, I had learnt about sentences, clause and phrase, and subject - verb agreement. My friends and I got some examples from the book, right examples and wrong examples of subject – verb agreement, for our guidance and some exercises to make us immediately practice in the class.

Actually, I want to improve my skill by choosing the right words and meaningful words for my writing, so people who read my writing can easily understand what I have already written on my writing. I also want to get some information about grammar, basic grammar, from this subject because if you talk about writing, you will also talk about grammar for your writing.

I hope from this subject, Writing I, I can get a lot of knowledge for my writing, so I can write my best for my writing at my blog.

Selasa, 16 Februari 2016

Introduction (First Trial)

Welcome to my third blog.
I forgot my password for my first blog and I had a problem for my second blog, so I made the new one, my third blog, for my writing's assignments.

Now, it's time for me to introduce myself. My name is Setyawan Haryono. You can call me "Setyawan", "Setya", "Sety", "Awan", etc. I was born on May 25th, 1992. I am still studying at Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya. My major is English Department.

That is short introduction from me. I hope from this subject, Writing I, I get a lot of knowledge for my writings, so I can improve my writing's skill. ( ^_^)