Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Journal IV

This is my last journal for Writing I assignment. My friend and I have learned about the way how to write recount and narrative text. I want to say thank you so much for Mrs. Ice and Mrs. Ing Ing who always give us a lot of assignments to accompany us on our weekend. From those assignments, we got a lot of practices that helped us to improve our skill. I feel that I have made better writing in my blog. I am very happy, because from this class I can get a lot of feed backs from my lecturers. I hope from those feed backs, I can improve my writing skill.
            Too bad for me, because this is the end of our class that we can learn something new from.  I hope I have some more meetings because I feel I get a lot of knowledge from this subject. I still want to get a lot of assignments to accompany me on my weekend, because it can help me to improve my skill by choosing the right words and meaningful words for my writing, so people who read my writing can easily understand what I have already written on my writing.
For our last assignment, we have to make biography from person or people whom we admire of. Even though my subject is not here right now, I had interviewed the person whom I admire of. I have enough information or data about him, so I will try to make a good writing about him for my last assignment.

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